We all know that abuse and violence are traumatic, sometimes enough to cause PTSD. But did you know that everyday events can be traumatic also? Trauma can be defined as any time when your basic physical, emotional, or spiritual needs go unmet, and the earlier it occurs, the greater the effect on the developing mind. We can help you identify these areas in your past, overcome old coping skills you have carried from childhood into your adult life (which are no longer appropriate or effective), and create new patterns of thinking and skills for a happier, more successful life! 

We now offer EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) — a research-proven, neuroscience-based approach to treat complex trauma and PTSD. Click here for more information.



What is the matter with me? Why can't I get over this loss? Why do these moments of "shadow grief" keep catching me by surprise? Our culture's accepted "rituals" for grieving and helping others grieve has been largely lost into history, so many of us do not know what to expect after experiencing a devastating loss. Together, we can navigate the "Valley of the Shadow" and help you begin to accept and come to peace with your "new normal".



No one says "I do!" ever expecting it to end in divorce. We all believe "that could never happen to us!" But the sad reality is that our culture's divorce rate is over 50% (60% for second marriages and even higher for third!). And the statistics are no different even for Christians. When it happens, we need a safe, non-judgmental place to work through the grief, trauma, and practical details while struggling to adjust to the "new normal".


Grief Support Group (Faith-Based)

When four or more people are interested in forming a group, we offer a 12-week faith-based support group. Please call 972-441-7374 for more information!